To many sex reassignment surgery (SRS) is the be all and end all. But in reality it is only one step along the way. To me it is very important that any one that is contemplating SRS should be very certain that they will be happy living as a woman. To live fulltime and be prepared for the emotional hurt of maybe losing all your friends and family members (this may not happen but there is a risk). SRS does NOT make you into a woman all it does is remove your penis and have a vagina simply speaking. If you are struggling feeling feminine then seek help. To me it is very important to see a psychiatrist that specializes in gender issues.
The reason I chose Dr. Saran Wannachamras
Are many so I will list then not necessarily in order of preference
1) Is one of the qualified plastic surgeons that is known for his good work and was trained by Dr. Preecha.
2) Having seen the results of his work I was more than hoppy with the look
3) The reports of the new vaginal canal had good sensitivity and the surrounding area
4) He used combination of a penile skin inversion and skin graft
5) As a qualified plastic surgeons he could also do Facial feminization surgery (FFS) later if required
6) The cost of US$ 12000:00 for SRS and Brest implant surgery and that all surgical and hospital costs where included
7) The time the operation would take
8) The care and after care he supplies. From the time I would get off at the airport to the time I would leave Bangkok
To qualify for SRS with Dr.Saran (taken from his www) and all reputable surgeons you will need to have
Patient must be at least age 18 years of age. Patients will require permission from parents if under 20 years old.
Patients must be diagnosed with at least one of the following disorders: gender identity disorder, gender dysphoria, or associated conditions (anxiety, depression).
Patients must have undergone at least one year of antiandrogens or/and hormones.
Patients are required to have lived full-time in the cross-gender role for at least 1 year (sup-ported by Identification Documents).
Patients must have approval from a psychiatrist (MD), psychiatric social worker (PhD), or clinical psychologist (PhD).
On the 18-Aug-2010 I had SRS and Brest implants
All the surgery went well and I was very happy with the results
In my nest blog I will explain the ins and outs of having SRS
Great post Ina , yes its so important anyone contemplating SRS realise that it really only solves the outy versus inny Dilemma
(or as our Great friend says teddy bear removal)
Look forward to reading more
Facial surgery make good effects on facial injuries. It change the look up of face and make it different and attractive. Sound make it well and excellence.
Hi. Thanks for all of the information regarding your srs with Dr. Saran. I have begun preparing for my srs for June of 2014. Hoping you could email me and tell me a little more about your post op recovery and how everything has turned out for you since surgery.
Hi Ina, i have been considering Dr. Saran for a while and last week i had communication with his office. If you don't mind can i email you a bit. I just hear horror stories about recovery so I would really love to hear first hand experience from you.
Hi ina I contemplating going with dr Saran for my Srs next year was wondering if you could share your experience with me .
Sorry my email is
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